Saturday, September 12, 2009

Writer's Guild Emmy Panel (and Celeb Sighting #7)

A very cool perk of the ICLA program, tickets to awesome programs like the Writer's Guild Panel of Emmy nominated TV writer's on Thursday night. There were writers from all different kinds of TV and the event was hosted by Rainn Wilson (Dwight K. Schrute to you Office fans). The event was held in the Writer's Guild Theater (hope it's not the last time I'll be there!) and it was very intersting. The Q&A was a little tedious and we were all exhausted from all long day of work/classes, but it was a very cool experience. Plus, when we were waiting outside to leave, Rainn Wilson walked right by us TWICE. Pretty cool.

(crappy cell pic but there they are!)

Writers on the Panel:
  • Jack Burditt (30 Rock- he was a cool dude, talked about starting out as a reader, however he just moved back to LA and is working on The Old Adventures of New Christine, so...)
  • Carlton Cuse (Lost- cool guy, he had a lot of good advice)
  • Andre and Maria Jacquemetton (Mad Men- a married couple who writes together, and she was the only woman on the panel, offered a lot of good insight to the world of writing)
  • Damon Lindelof (also Lost- seemed like a younger guy, he was funny and had a cute interchange with the Mad Men couple about how much they loved each others shows)
  • Billy Kimball & Ian Maxtone-Graham (Simpsons- these guys looked like the were characters on the Simpsons, they were also dressed alike, very metro Harvard)
  • Rob Kutner (nominated for the Daily Show, but works for Conan full-time now, a very funny nerdy guy)
  • Michael Sucsy (Grey Gardens, which by the way was his first EVER screenplay. he talked alot.)

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