Monday, September 7, 2009

KARAOKE TIMES! (AND Celeb Sighting #6!)

One of the quintessential ICLA programs I was most excited for was karaoke at Dimples, and we finally made that dream come true last weekend. Six of us jammed into Mike’s rental Ford Focus and headed down to met up with a bigger group of IC kids who had tried to get in before the 8 p.m. underage cutoff. We hung out and watched our fellow students sing, got down to “Get Low” and then got the cherry on top of the sundae that we’d been told was the Dimples Experience. Principal Belding from “Saved By The Bell” showed up and SANG KARAOKE. It was awesome!

Karaoke fun, another great nostalgic celebrity sighting, and I also got a blinking lei necklace from Captain Morgan himself. All in all, good night.

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