Monday, September 14, 2009

First Week at Current!

Started my first week at Current TV this past week and worked a few days in my new spot in the music department. I think this internship is going to be a nice compliment to my other one, as it's a totally different atmosphere and responsibility set. Current is very relaxed (jeans to work, IM-ing to each other across the room, etc.) and the people in the music dept. seem very cool so far. Within my first hour, I got to sit in on a department meeting and learn all about "Embedded", the half-hour music show they are launching this fall (hopefully Oct. 14, but it keeps getting pushed back). I'll post more info on the show as we get closer to our launch date!

Right now, the department is all about legal clearances and post-production organization as they head towards their launch date, and that gives me a lot of cool things to do. One of my responsibilites is to research all the artists who are going to be featured on the show, charting future projects, tour dates, etc., so we can have current (get it?) info when the show airs. I also have to compile lists of concerts in LA, NYC, and San Fran to be listed on the sites and blogs, maintain the current_music Twitter account (follow us!) and this week I even got to help do some editing! Well, syncing different concert cameras to a master audio track but still, very cool. I'm loving it so far.

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