Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cloudy With A Chance Of Chipotle

This morning I was awoken by Callie insisting that I get out of bed and go to the Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs premiere. Apparently the theater that was having the premiere has a TON of seats and to fill them all, they just let people on the street in to see the movie (and hopefully some stars). So I rolled out of bed. We got to Westwood around one, and after a brief parking garage debacle, found the theater and the red carpet!

We got very excited...until we asked a security dude when the premiere started and he informed us that is was...just about to let out. Bummer. Anyway, we scored some sweet spots on the street to celeb-spot, and that we did! As the movie let out, we hung around with the autograph scorers, a fascinating culture unto themselves, holding their huge folders full of pictures of people they have scoped and hope to get autographs from. While we didn't see Anna Faris in person, we saw her husband Chris Pratt, and saw her from the back of the SUV as they drove away right past us. We also got to see James Caan, Neil Patrick Harris, and Bill Hader! Very cool. Bill even came over to the autograph hecklers and signed some stuff. Classy dude. and VERY attractive in person. I got some cell phone pics.

(blue button down is Bill)

Very cool Hollywood experience. Rounded out with some Chipotle and it was an excellent reason to get out of bed.

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