Thursday, August 20, 2009

Leno in the Oakwoods! (aka Celeb Sighting #3!)

(jay with random oakwood lady)

So, ice cream socials are fun. When you're ten maybe. After that, it just become a sad attempt at forced mingling around bowls of generic strawberry that's too pink for it's own good. We were walking to one at the North Clubhouse when alls of a sudden we see people running as fast as they can (some holding shoes in order to run faster so you know it's important) back past us towards the South Side of the Oakwoods. Realizing that there were all fellow IC kids only after they all had passed, one of us remarked that perhaps we should have asked why they were running.

As we shook rainbow sprinkles onto our sad little bowls of ice cream, we finally got our answer. Jay Leno was filming! In the Oakwoods! At the...South Clubhouse. So we finished our ice cream and booked it back to the south side. We arrived just in time to watch them film a few segments, some of which featured some ICLA students! It was cool to see their whole production close up (Jay's chin is bigger too) and Bryan Mercer finally made it onto real TV. With crabs. In a hot tub. With Jay Leno. Stay tuned...

(Jay is in the orange raingear. ICLA students, along with a
bunch of plastic crabs, are chillin in the hot tub.)

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