Thursday, August 27, 2009

Internship Update!

Two interviews today, one with Current TV and one with the CSI writers room.

Current was up first at ten am, off of Highland on Lexington Ave. Got my first taste of real LA rush hour traffic (sooooo much fun) and had some problems finding the place (there is NO SIGN that says Current anywhere on the building. Literally. None.), but after that it was smooth sailing. The internship is with the Music Department, I'd be working primarily with the production team behind "Current Music" a new half-hour show they are debuting this fall. The show follows one artist per week as they give the audience a taste of their lives, and also features break-out segments of up and coming bands and artists. A few currently in the works are Mos Def and Ben Harper.

As an intern I'd be helping them with pre- and post-production, as well as doing administrative stuff, handling expense reports, and my personal fav, compiling "The List" every week. The List is a comprehensive list of all the bands performing in the area each week, along with artist info, openers etc. Combine this with Callie's cousin who can get free tickets, and this semester is shaping up to be very musical. And awesome. I was offered the internship on the spot, though I said I wanted to wait to hear back from CSI. The girl I interviewed with was great and used to be an intern herself, so it looks like there is great room for advancement!

After that, I headed over to Universal City, to interview with the CSI writers. It was cool to see what a writer's office suite looks like in big time TV and it was a nice laid-back atmosphere. The group of people who interviewed me were super nice and relaxed. They asked questions about the show and writing I had done. Unfortunately, they were looking for an intern who could commit to five days a week and with my other internship already locked down, that wasn't something I could do. On the bright side, they offered the position to my roommate who is most likely going to accept, so I can still tag along (hopefully).

All in all, good day. I'm glad I didn't have to choose between the two offers, and though I would have loved to be in a real writers room, it would have been hectic along with my other writing class, and my schedule will work much better with the Current position (which I am psyched about!). Another plus, the CSI head guy told to shoot him an email if I ever need a job. I think I made one of my first official industry "connections." Nice.


  1. Congrats on the offers; things are really working out! Great food commentary too, BTW.

  2. You are awesome...can't wait to get out there!
