Thursday, August 20, 2009

Interview! (and Celeb Sighting #2!)

Had an interview today at a small production company on the Paramount lot. I left the Oakwoods about an hour and a half early to give me enough time to fill up the tank and drive the NINE MILES on the 101s, get off at Vine St. and take it all the way down to Melrose (see? I'm getting good at navigating!). I got to drive through the actual big gate that says "Paramount Pictures" and everything, which I thought was awesome. Traffic was not as hellish as anticipated and I got there about an hour early. After following the map and ticket given to me by Cute Security Guy, I parked in what I thought was the visitor lot. I slid my seat back, and cracked open my book fully prepared to wait until ten o'clock in boredom.

Then, a big stinkin SUV pulled up a few spaces to my right. I didn't think much of it, in a city of big stinkin SUVs, but when the passengers got out, I had to make sure it wasn't anybody famous (I don't think this will ever get old). The first was a big guy, but was carrying way too much stuff, juggling a folder, Blackberry, and a few duffel bags, he was clearly "assistant". The other man however, looked a lot like LL Cool J. Oh was. I did a double take, then when he looked up at me, I dropped my eyes straight back down to my book. I have to learn to play it cool in this town, even if my PA liscence plate gives me away every time.

Interview went pretty well, I think. Mostly development stuff, but they do film and TV which is nice, and it's a small office so it seems like the intern is really involved. She said I would hear back within a few days, so, fingers crossed. I'm looking into more internships too, hoping to eventually have two, one in development and one in production, to get a feel for the scope of things. I'm still getting over being on an actualy movie lot today. As Not-So-Cute Security guy opened the gate to let me out, I thought "Yeah, I could do this every day."


  1. wait till they find out you're hilarious, you will be there every day!

  2. "Playing it cool" in a PA way consists of dropping your eyes.
    "Playing it cool in an LA way might be more like saying hi and asking him if his assistant needs any help with those big ol' duffle bags. You go get 'em, girl!
